Todd Horner
Senior Planner at Southwest Region Planning Commission
Main Street Track Leader
Hailing from southern Maine, Todd moved to the Monadnock Region of NH in 2009 to pursue a career in agriculture, spending most of the next decade operating an organic farm in Peterborough, NH. His time farming instilled in him an interest in how people use, share, and relate to land and the resources it provides. That interest prompted a transition into the planning field, where he admittedly has less opportunity to get his hands literally dirty, but still finds himself digging into familiar issues: how we balance the productive use of land with its protection, how we organize our built communities upon the natural landscape, and how we can cooperate with one another to work towards shared prosperity. Todd manages and contributes to projects in a variety of program areas at SWRPC, including economic development, transportation, housing, and broadband planning. He holds a B.A. in English from Vassar College and a Master’s of Regional Planning from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst.
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