Sara Powell
Program Director at Hannah Grimes Center for Entreprenuership
Entreprenuership Track Leader
Sara was born and raised in the Catskill Mountains of New York State. After receiving her B.S. in Environmental Science from the University of Vermont, she has spent her time working for mission driven and place-based organizations as a farmer and educator. Sara has been living in the Monadnock Region since 2013. A graduate of Antioch University New England, she holds a master’s degree in Environmental Studies, with a concentration in Environmental Education. With a penchant for systems thinking and facilitative leadership, she enjoys working with folks in her community to grow and strengthen local resiliency through place-based initiatives. As the Program Director at Hannah Grimes, she is responsible for managing the business incubator program, and developing the organization’s workshops, seminars, and projects that support entrepreneurs and business owners in the region. Sara also serves on the Board of the Cheshire County Conservation District as an Associate Supervisor.
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