Eliza Tudor
Executive Director at Nevada County Arts Council
Identifying and Connecting with Rural BIPOC Arts & Culture Communities
Eliza’s experience as an arts leader spans the visual, literary and performing arts across three continents over three decades. Moving to the UK in 2008, she obtained her Masters in Cultural Policy and worked as Senior Commissioner for the National Health Service in one of London’s most majority non-White high poverty areas, piloting social prescribing as an antidote to widespread public health inequities, working with both social and creative sectors. She went on to work as Senior Development Executive–Arts & Humanities at Oxford, with a focus on scholarship funding for its lowest-income students. During this time, Eliza served as trustee for Rosetta Life, working nationally through the arts with people suffering life limiting illnesses, and for Magdalen Road Studios in Oxford, providing affordable studio space, grants and fellowships to local artists. Eliza returned in 2015 to direct Yuba Sutter Arts & Culture, then in 2016 accepted her current role. In 2017 she gained state recognition for Nevada County through two California Cultural District designations. She serves the boards of California Arts Advocates and Californians for the Arts, where she is a member of its Design Team for Racial Equity.
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