2020 Keynotes: Hit the Ground Running

John Molinaro and Becky McCray will be speaking at the 2020 Radically Rural Summit organized by the Keene Sentinel and the Hannah Grimes Center for Entrepreneurship. This September’s summit will address questions and spark ideas on how to hit the ground running as we emerge from a greatly changed economy. Molinaro has a wealth of information to share on what he has done to bolster rural economies as they begin to rebrand themselves in modern times. McCray intends to highlight ways in which small communities can build resiliency and flourish as we head into a new future.  

By Annika Kristiansen

Find a way to make your-self useful,” is the mantra behind the life and work of Appalachian Partnership Inc.’s president and CEO, John Molinaro. Backed by decades of valuable experience, Molinaro has led valiant initiatives to boost the economies of Ohio’s 32 Appalachian counties. Read the Full story here!

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