Inside ‘Radically Rural’, the New Hampshire Conference Championing Local Entrepreneurs

Forget freezing-cold convention centers with high glass walls and unreasonably priced food. Attendees of Radically Rural, a two-day, multi-track conference that kicked off Thursday morning, will go to sessions in Keene, New Hampshire’s Old Cheshire County Courthouse, Colonial Theatre and the public library, among other locales.

A partnership between the Keene Sentinel and the Hannah Grimes Center for Entrepreneurship, Radically Rural is designed to connect business owners and innovators from around New England—especially rural residents who may not be able to (or may not want to) make it to Boston. Now in its second year, the conference will play host to some 800 attendees.

“We really felt like there were really great ideas and really, really wonderful things going on in rural communities across the country,” said Mary Ann Kristiansen, executive director of the Hannah Grimes Center. “Wouldn’t it be cool to just bring them all together, with the hopes that those ideas would grow and spread faster, and people would make connections—both to other people and to new ideas? So we launched Radically Rural last year.”

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BostInno by: Rowan Walrath

Hannah Grimes Center for Entrepreneurship Sponsors